The 14th Automated Negotiating Agents Competition
Thursday 14:00 to 16:30, South Gallery 10
Dr. Reyhan Aydoğan, Özyeğin University & Delft University of Technology;
Dr. Tim Baarslag, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and Utrecht University;
Dr. Katsuhide Fujita, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology;
Dr. Catholijn Jonker, Delft University of Technology, and Leiden University
Description: The Automated Negotiating Agent Competition (ANAC) is an international tournament that has been running since 2010 to bring together researchers from the negotiation community. ANAC provides a unique benchmark for evaluating practical negotiation strategies in multi-issue domains and has the following aims:
- to provide an incentive for the development of effective and efficient negotiation protocols and strategies for bidding, accepting, and opponent modeling for different negotiation scenarios;
- to collect and develop a benchmark of negotiation scenarios, protocols, and strategies;
- to develop a common set of tools and criteria for the evaluation and exploration of new protocols and new strategies against benchmark scenarios, protocols, and strategies;
- to set the research agenda for automated negotiation.
Automated Negotiation League
League Organizer: Bram Renting
Challenge: Design a negotiation agent for bilateral negotiation that can learn from every previous opponent while the tournament progresses. The highest-scoring agents based on individual utility and social welfare win the league.
Supply Chain Management League
League Organizers: Dr. Yasser Mohammad, Shinji Nakadai; Dr. Satoshi Morinaga (NEC, AIST); Dr. Amy Greenwald, Dr. Enrique Areyan Viqueir (Brown University); Dr. Mark Klein (MIT)
Description: Design an agent able to decide how to negotiate in a predefined single negotiation session, when to join negotiations, and how to coordinate the behavior of its negotiators across multiple concurrent negotiations in a real-world scenario characterized by situated negotiations and complex dynamic utility functions.
Human-Agent League
League Organizer: Dr. Johnathan Mell (The University of Central Florida)
Description: TBD
Website: TBD
AAMAS 2023 Imperfect-Information Card Games Competition
Thursday 10:00 to 12:30, South Gallery 10
Haifeng Zhang, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science; and Nanjing Artificial Intelligence Research of IA;
Yan Song, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Science;
Kun Shao, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab;
David Mguni, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab
Description: The Imperfect-Information Card Games Competition (IICGC) targets on the topics of multi-player imperfect-information turned-based card games. Despite of the supreme performance achieved by some of the research works in two-player zero-sum games, a generally strong multi-player (more than two) card game AI is still worth exploring. The competition contains three independent tracks, running on the games of
- Four-player No-limit Texas Hold’em;
- Bridge;
- Mahjong
respectively. Among the proposed games, the state-space complexity varies and each game involves competition and cooperation to different extents, posing great challenges from different aspects. The aim of the competition is to make a contribution to the development of multi-player card game AI under the imperfect-information settings and more generally, the application of decision-making intelligence.
Track 1:
Four-player No-limit Texas Hold’em Competition
Description: The Four-player Texas Hold’em is a betting game. Each of the four players is initially dealt two face-down cards (called the hole cards). Then the dealer deals sequentially five face-up community cards in three stages: the flop, the turn and the river. Each player pursues the best five-card combination among the hole cards and the community cards. Each player can choose to call, to check, to raise or to fold during each round. The participant needs to design a betting agent that can win as many chips as possible after rounds of play.
Track 2:
Bridge Competition
Description: Bridge is a popular four-person card game using a regular 52 card deck with ace being high. This is a 2v2 game where the north and the south players are partners against the partnership of the east and the west players. A game round consists of a bidding round and a card playing round. The participant needs to design a single agent that can cooperate with an assigned teammate and win as many game rounds as possible.
Track 3:
Mahjong Competition
Description: Mahjong is a four-player tile-based game. It uses a deck of 136 tiles consists of 4 identical sets of 34 unique tiles. The goal is to complete a legal hand (4 sets and a pair) within 14 draws. Each player can choose to chow, pong, kong or discard a particular tile. The participant needs to design an agent that can win as many games round as possible.