Call for Competitions

Call for Competitions

This year, the organizing committee of AAMAS 2023 invites the community to submit proposals for competitions.

The conference organizers believe that competitions are an effective way to make rapid progress on research topics and are important components of the conference. By posing challenges to the AAMAS community, competition organizers contribute to pushing the state-of-the-art in specific subjects and/or solving problems of practical importance.

We encourage competition proposals from emerging fields or new application scenarios relevant to AAMAS, and proposals from competitions held in previous years at other venues. We highly value interdisciplinary topics that have the potential to attract a significant cross-section of the community.

Submission Requirements

Competition proposals are short papers (2 pages excluding references) containing the following information.

  • A brief bio of the proposer(s) highlighting their experience in (or readiness for) organizing competitions.
  • The aims and objectives of the competition.
  • A brief history of the competition, if it was run at other conferences in the past.
  • The relevance and importance of the competition for the AAMAS community.
  • The rules and guidelines for the competition.
  • The software/hardware platforms and data sets to be used. 
  • The competition evaluation criteria.
  • The expected duration of the competition and any specific requirements (e.g., physical space, monitors) for conducting the competition at the conference.

Selection Process

The submission and selection processes for the competition proposals will be separate from the main conference. Each submission will be assessed by the Competition Program Committee, and the proposers will receive a brief evaluation report. The evaluation criteria are:

  • Relevance to AAMAS
  • Significance
  • Expected participation level 
  • Proposer(s) background/readiness level

Proposer (s) of accepted competition proposals will be encouraged to submit a Demo paper at AAMAS 2024 summarizing their experience at the 2023 conference. 

Important Dates

November 28, 2022 February 10, 2023 – Submission deadline
December 16, 2022 February 12, 2023 – Notification of acceptance/rejection
January 20, 2023 February 28, 2023 – Call for Competition Participation

The global (in any time zone) deadline for the above dates will be 11:59 PM.


Please send all inquiries to the Competition Track chairs (